Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rosa's View on Birger

Arts_Girl: So, Rosa, tell us... what do you think of Birger?

Rosa: Well, he's not the brightest bulb on the tree...

Arts_Girl: We're here for accuracy, sweetie. Don't make any understatements. I've been tracking Birger ( so I think that might be somewhat of an untrue statement.

Rosa: Alright, fine, the guy's the dumbest person I've ever met.

Arts_Girl: There we go! So, what was it like, working with a stupid, famous person?

Rosa: Well, I'll tell you the truth, I'd rather work with Tom Cruise, but it's still been a... memorable experience, working with Birger.

Arts_Girl: Yeah, it probably was. But you really haven't told us about the guy underneath the big, fat shell!

Rosa: I guess he's not all bad. He doesn't have a bad purpose. I wouldn't say he actually HAS a purpose, to tell the truth. Unless his purpose is messing up. He does that A LOT.

Arts_Girl: Can you tell us about one of his biggest mistakes?

Rosa: Oh, boy, where do I start? Hmmm... Oh, yes. I know. The re-election of George W. Bush was up there, and so was the dissapearance of Amelia Earhart, but I'd say the worst mistake of all time was when he let Randy get ahold of the remote. Now Randy is the most powerful stalker in the world. And he's pretty much immortal.

Arts_Girl: Awful! Rosa, that's fascinating, but I'm afraid we have to end the interview now. We'll interview you later on! Thank you!

Rosa: Thank you, Arts_Girl.

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