Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rosa Talks "ME"

(On the left: The cover of Rosa's new book, entitled: ME)
Arts_Girl: It's so wonderful to have you on our show! So, Rosa, tell us about your new book. What's it about?
Rosa: Well, as the title suggests, it talks about me. About my struggles in youth, all the lies I've had to make to get where I am, and how pitiful it is that I am where I am.
Arts_Girl: Mm-hm. So tell us about ME.
Rosa: Well, I decided to write it when I found out that Birger was literate and had been recording his story. Well, no, actually, what really set me of was when I visited ... you see, I was amazed that this person who seemed so illiterate had actually made his own blog... and it was getting a reasonable amount of traffic! And Birger's story wasn't nearly so epic as my own, so I figured I better record my story while I'm still in the time era where word processers are available!
Arts_Girl: Can you explain that statement?
Rosa: Well, I don't want to give a lot of my book away, but really, there is a large portion about what I'm doing right now. When Birger allowed the time travel remote to fall into Randy's evil hands, Axel, Birger and I decided to dedicate our lives to bring him to justice. It's been rather hard, since he has a time travel remote and can be everywhere at once, but we track him all the same. But it requires so much jumping around through time that sometimes I'm traveling to Mars on a one-hour flight and sometimes I'm trying to converse with cavemen!
Arts_Girl: Fascinating! But tell me: How do you find "me time" when traveling around in a vortex of time?
Rosa: It's hard, I admit, but sometimes I have to force Axel to give us a break. I mean, come on! We all need a little bit of time just to relax! We'd all go insane, otherwise. Well, actually, that time has already come for we time-travelers...
Arts_Girl: Oh, wonderful! We're out of time, though. But we'll see you again soon on talking ME!

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